Global Dreams, Local Impact: Shweta’s Inspiring Journey from USA to a Tier 2 City in India, Pioneering Early Retirement, and Entrepreneurship

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Shweta, an IIT graduate moved to the US to explore the opportunities after working in India for a few years. She shares her story of returning to India and life of living in a Tier2 city as an early retiree and how they started their own start-up . In this episode we covered a lot of topics related simplified living, early retirement, exploring passions, etc,

Here’s some of the topics we covered:

  • Background and reasons to move back to India 
  • Career transition
  • Early retirement 
  • Exploring on what to do as part of retirement and starting own firm
  • Early retirement cost of living numbers
  • Living in a big metro vs small town
  • Food quality in India
  • Starting startup in India
  • Things that they miss from US

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