Your ultimate desination for all things related to returning to India


About Us

Who We Are

At Desi Return, we are passionate about sharing inspiring stories, practical insights, and valuable resources for individuals and families who have embarked or considering on the journey of coming back to India after spending time abroad. We understand the unique challenges, opportunities, and emotions that come with such a significant life transition. We are your trusted resource and platform to guide and make your Desi Return journey smooth and successful.

Our Mission

At Desi Return, our mission is to provide support and guidance for Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) who are considering or planning to return to India. We understand that the decision to move back to your home country is a significant one, filled with questions, uncertainties, and a desire for a smooth transition. That’s why we are dedicated to sharing informative and engaging content that addresses frequently asked questions related to finance, culture, job opportunities, real estate, and more. Through our podcast, we aim to equip you with the knowledge and insights needed to make an informed decision about your move, and to support you in embracing home again.

Our Goal

Our goal is to be your trusted resource and platform throughout your Desi Return journey. We strive to provide valuable information, practical tips, and expert advice to help you navigate the complexities and challenges that may arise during the transition. By sharing stories and experiences from others who have made the journey back, we aim to foster a sense of community and connection, reassuring you that you’re not alone in this process. Our ultimate aim is to empower you to make confident decisions and to ensure a smooth and successful return to your home country, where you can fully embrace the joy of being back home.

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What We Cover:

Personal Desi Return Journeys

Frequently Asked Questions


Expert Advice

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